SOSC Easter Egg Hunt 2024

Opulent easter eggs on map with key

An Exciting Easter Mystery Awaits You!

We have planned an adventurous riddle-solving treasure hunt on our website. Three hidden Easter Eggs with special codes are waiting to be discovered. The codes are tucked away within the details of certain products.

How it works:

1. Solve the Riddles:  

Starting from 11th March, we will release a three-part riddle. Each part is a clue to a specific product on our website.

2. Find the Easter Eggs:  

Each product referred to in the riddle has a hidden Egg (Code) within its details. It's represented as a special 4-digit code.

3. Email the Codes:  

Once you find an Easter Egg (the 4-digit code), send us an email at with the code and your Instagram handle. Remember, do this every time you find a code!

4. Follow the Timeline:  

The riddle parts will be released sequentially on March 11th, March 14th, and March 18th.

5. Closing Date:  

The hunt ends on 28th March. Be sure to email us all the codes you've found by then.

6. Win the Prize:  

The first 5 participant to correctly decipher all riddles and discover all Easter Eggs will be added to the 'Spin The Wheel' and ONE participant will win a SOSC Home R1000 Gift Voucher .

7. Winner Announcement: 

Winner will be announced on 29 March, as per the result of the 'Spin the Wheel.'

Riddle 1:

"First, through the annals of time, traditions meet, A porcelain treasure, royally discreet... Fine dining with a touch of noble lineage."

Riddle 2:

"Nature's vibrant gem, yet nothing to eat... Sometimes things aren't as spicy as they appear..."

Riddle 3:

"In botanic verse, glimpses of late summer. Where common tormentil blooms in number."

Easter bunny with magnifying glass searching for easter eggs

Fully intrigued yet? The Easter treasure hunt officially kicks off on March 11th at 19:00. Stay tuned for some Easter fun!

Best Wishes,

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